Ouijas Wings Theme Unzip to C:\Program Files\PLUS!\Themes Then..... Open your control pannel and select Desktop Themes. Open the theme and click ok. All icons, and wallpaper, are original and reserved. Sound wavs were recorded from: Wings Greatist Hits, and Flowers In The Dirt, and edited by Ouija Special Thanks to Luisa Arevalo Klose for all the cursors except for the Normalselect(created by Ouija), and the dove animated cursor(author unknown). If you would like any extra wavs for ICQ etc... E-mail me psychichotline@cyberdude.com E-mail me also if you like the theme, or have any problems. Enjoy! § Ouija § OUIJAS DESKTOP REALITY http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/3444/